
Starter code for the Duke project

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EXE User Guide

By: Kenny Ho Since: Jan 2020

Table of Contents


EXE is your very own personal assistant chatbot. EXE will always be there for you if you need someone to voluntarily record and remind you on your own personal tasks.

Tasks can be categorised as Todo task, event task, or deadline tasks. You can add, delete, mark as done and list down all your tasks. Want to further know what EXE can do for you? Press here


Command format

Adding Todo task

This feature adds a given task that is categorised as todo into the list of your existing task.

e.g: todo My CS2103T iP

For visual example click here.

Adding Event task

This feature adds a given task that is categorised as event into the list of your existing task.

e.g: event attend CS2103T lecture /at 2020-02-02

For visual example click here.

Adding Deadline task

This feature adds a given task that is categorised as deadline into the list of your existing task.

Format: deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by YYYY-MM-DD
e.g: deadline finish my CS2103T iP /by 2020-02-02

For visual example click here.

Deleting existing task

This feature deletes one of your existing task from your list of tasks.

Format: delete TASK_NUMBER
e.g: delete 3

For visual example click here.

Exiting the application

This feature give you an option to quit the application and enjoy the pretty goodbye message.

Format: bye

To see the pretty goodbye message please click here.

List out all existing tasks

This feature allows you to see all your current existing tasks and will tell you how many tasks you have currently.

Format: list

For visual example of how list command will look like click here.

Marking task as done

This feature allows you to change the status of a task from undone to done. Done tasks are denoted by a smiley face :). While tasks that is undone are denoted by a sad face :(.

Format: done TASK_NUMBER
e.g. done 3

For visual help please click here

Viewing help menu

This feature shows you all command EXE can execute. Also, it can show you specific command format.

Format: help [COMMAND_NAME]

For a better understanding of how help command works please click here


Below are pictures depicting all the scenarios that you should encounter when using EXE.

Add todo task usage

input: todo I want to run

EXE will add I want to run as a todo task

Expected outcome:

Image of todo task expected output

Add event task usage

input: event attend CS2103T lecture /at 2020-02-02

EXE will add attend CS2103T lecture as an event task

Expected outcome:

Image of event task expected output

Add deadline task usage

input: deadline finish my CS2103T iP /by 2020-02-02

EXE will add finish my CS2103T iP as an deadline task

Expected outcome:

Image of deadline task expected output

Deleting tasks

input: delete 2

EXE will delete task number 2 in the task list which is project meeting by: Feb 02 2020.

Expected outcome:

Image of delete task expected output

Exiting application

input: bye

EXE will exit the application while showing the goodbye message.

Expected outcome:

Image of exit expected output

Listing out all tasks

input: list

EXE will list out all the existing tasks you have.

Expected outcome:

Image of list expected output

Marking task as done usage

input: done 3

EXE will mark task 3 in the list to done, which is from a :( to a :).

Expected outcome:

Image of done expected output

Help menu

Example 1

input: help

EXE will list out all commands it can execute to help you better communicate with it.

Expected outcome:

Image of help expected output

Example 2

input: help event

EXE will show the format of what event command need to be in.

Expected outcome:

Image of help expected output
